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Discover Zeulab benefits. DUPLEX & IRIS dairy antibiotic detection.

A dairy processor can receive dozens of tanks of milk per day. The control of antibiotics at the reception of the plant is a critical moment, both due to the economic consequences and the management of contaminated milk. Moreover, the stress for those responsible for decision making should not be underestimated.

When a tank gives a positive result, the alarms go off, the truck offload is halted, and a rapid process of evaluation begins to verify that:

The operator has not made an error when carrying out the test.
The visual interpretation of the results is correct.
Reagents or test equipment have not failed.

Old style tests are prone to issues of:

The user has not properly resuspended the lyophilized reagent.
The user has not correctly followed incubation times.
The visual interpretation was not clear.
The reagents and materials were difficult to handle due to their small dimensions.

Zeulab Duplex & Iris test system solve all these problems:

The test is ready to use, with an easy-to-use and one-step format.
The test is automatic, it is not dependent on the qualification of the operator.
The interpretation is objective, numerical and independent of the person.
The results are shared in real time for evaluation by quality personnel.

The implementation of the new generation Duplex & Iris test systems provides immediate and important benefits that should be considered for your applications.

Discover more about Zeulab Dairy Antibiotic Testing Range, and give Ngaio a call to discuss the best Zealab system to suit your demand.

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