Universal Sequencing Technology partners with Ngaio
Ngaio cant hold back its excitement when announcing our newly signed distribution arrangement for Universal Sequencing Technologies (UST) for the New Zealand market.
Universal Sequencing Technologies offers something special, something that anyone doing NGS work should know about. So go on, pick up the phone and give us a call.
Universal Sequencing’s TELL-SEQ™Library Prep Kit is THE next generation of sequencing kit. The proven technology changes the idea of sequencing with a solution that is easy, scalable, and universal.
- Long read NGS library preparation method
- Ease of use: hands-on time ( < 1 hour)
- Single tube process: sequencing ready library in 3 hours
- Low DNA input: 0.1ng to 5ng depending on genome size
- Highly scalable for small and large genomes, 20 Kb to 5 Gb
- Easily Automated

For genome sizes from 20Kb to 5Gb+