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Ngaio introduces Microbium MPN to New Zealand

Ngaio is always looking to partner with companies that offer a products with a point of difference. As such, we are extremely excited to announce our partnership with Microbium and introduce their Water MPN Analyser to New Zealand.

The unique automated system offer delivers quantitative water testing results for EColi and Coliform in 4 easy steps.

Advantages of Microbium MPN Analyser:

  • unique (world innovation)
  • conforms with ISO 9308-2
  • automated & digitalised (smart sensor system)
  • easy to use (only 4 steps, no training required)
  • low limit of detection (1 E. coli / 100 ml)
  • cost effective (10x less than lab analysis)
  • zero waste (ecological solution, no laboratory waste)





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